Tibetan Terrier



Abby Ben Mazar-I-Sharif

HD-A norbergwaarde 40
ECVO-alle clear
NCL/CCL clear
PRA4 carrier PRA3 clear

Abby is everything we wished for, she is a very beautifull and the most sweet, happy and loyal girl!

She has an interesting pedigree and all the healtchecks are fine.  

Judges are always enthousiastic about her and it didn't take long for her Dutch Championship!

Some notes from breedspecialists about Abby: 

Excellent Type with a lovely head with sweet expression and full strong scissor bite, good bone with large feet, nice tailset and carriage, excellent coat, goat structure, strong musculair body , deep ribs and a great mover. Lovely temperament. 

We are so proud of her, and beside of this all Abby is our best friend.


Dutch Champion





Gentle Jewel Xiva

Our little sable daughter out of Abby. She's growing up very promising and all healthchecks are super!
HD-A, ECVO test clear, CLL/NCL clear , PRA 3 and 4 clear,